Welcome To "Walking In Obedience To Christ!" Prayer GroupĀ 

Welcome to our sisterhood in Christ! We are so excited to have you join us on this journey of walking in obedience to Christ and seeking His Kingdom first.

Remember, our focus is on keeping Christ at the center of our lives and aligning our hearts with His will. We believe that as we prioritize His Kingdom and His righteousness, all other things will fall into place (Matthew 6:33).

In addition to our regular prayer meetings, be on the lookout for spontaneous "live prayer" notifications. These are moments when we come together virtually to lift each other up in prayer and share the burdens of our hearts.

We encourage you to stay connected and engaged. Your presence and participation are valuable to us!

Let us continue to grow together in faith, love, and obedience.

In Christ's love,

The Walking in Obedience to Christ Prayer Group